Glow & Green

How to have an Easy Self-care Routine?

Updated: Jun 16, 2020

Today let’s break down our self-care routines! Self-care is a very popular term nowadays. This term is not just related to beauty products, but serves as an umbrella term for a broad set of practices. When I started applying a self-care routine in my life, it was very hard for me in the beginning. But once I was settled into a schedule, I became addicted to it. Because for me, self-care is the repetitive action that gives you mental peace and productivity in your life. And we all want both of these things in our life.

When I was little and growing up back in India, my mom instilled in me several self-care habits. I never realized that these habits were meant to last me a life-time. My mom grew up in a boarding school where the Ayurvedic lifestyle was mandatory. Thanks to her, I practice certain daily Ayurvedic rituals in my life. These activities give me positivity and focus in my life. In this blog post, I want to share a few easy self-care routine steps that I am practicing.


Before we begin, I would like to admit one thing: I do have a very hectic morning schedule. So I need to make sure that I implement a self-care system that is quick, relaxing, and effective. My full-time job starts at 8:00 a.m., and ends at 4:45 p.m. I am generally at my desk by 8:00 or 8:15 a.m. You get the point!

How to Have an Easy Self-care Routine

Here is the break-down

Step 1: (Time: 0 min)

Waking up before sunrise gives you vital energy throughout the day. Waking up before sunrise protects you from tension. Mentally, you will be able to relax with the thought of having plenty of time to eat breakfast and exercise.

People who get up early are positive, optimistic, and satisfied, while people who stay up late become victims of stress. I am not at all a morning person, but I like to give myself enough time so that I don’t feel stressed first thing in the morning. This is one no-cost sustainable beauty tip that will give you strong energy and a beautiful glow throughout the day.


Step 2: (Time: 3-4 minute)

Meditation is a systematic process of training yourself to focus and redirect your thoughts & strong desires. Meditation will de-stress you for sure, but it will also help you when it comes to soul searching. I remember my mom used to tell me to just sit on my bed and close my eyes and think about what I was thankful for. Now I understand that this played a significant role in controlling my anxiety, strengthening my focus, and making me emotionally stable. Practicing this for 3-4 minutes first thing in the morning will benefit you tremendously.

Step 3: Tongue Scraping (Time: 30 Sec)

Tongue scraping after brushing my teeth is one of the Ayurvedic rituals I follow. My grandmother used a neem stick, but brass or steel tongue scraper can be a great eco-friendly product for cleaning your tongue. Tongue scraping takes less than 1 minute of your daily time. This process clears toxins, bacteria, and dead cells from the tongue to prevent bad breath. It enhances the sense of taste and promotes overall oral and digestive health. It also increases awareness of your state of health.

Step 4: Surya Namaskar or Yoga (Time: 15 minutes)

If you are in a hurry like me, I wouldn’t suggest taking a 1-hour class. Instead of going for a yoga class once or twice a week, try 15-20 minutes of daily morning yoga; it can give you great energy.

I prefer sun salutation, a.k.a. “Surya Namaskar,” as a day to day practice. As a beginner, you can start with 4 to 6 rounds, and move up to 12 times eventually. Close your practice with Savasana, and start your day energized and centered. 15 minutes of yoga will help you tone your muscles and stimulate energy & blood circulation.

Step 5: Abhyanga (Body Massage) (Time: 10 minutes)

Abhyanga is traditionally performed by two wellness professionals using warm body oil. But to experience this Ayurvedic ritual daily, it works great to simply apply warm body oil to your skin and massage it gently over your body.

This promotes blood circulation, and your skin will absorb the proper nutrients from the oil. Abhyanga protects against any skin problems such as dry, itchy skin. It will impart a glow to your face and body. You can use any carrier oil for Abhyanga. To learn more about carrier oil, read this: Carrier Oils – Natural Beauty Products!

Step 6: Bath (15 minutes)

In India, bathing represents a cleansing not only of the physical body but also of the spiritual self. My mom used to ban us from going to the kitchen or temple without first taking a bath.

Many religious purification rituals are associated with bathing; it is believed that ritual bathing in the waters of the Ganges River will purify the soul.

In the simple Ayurvedic context, a bath taken in the morning following self-massage (abhyanga) is similar to bathing in the Ganges. Using natural, sustainable skincare products after Abhyanga will purify your soul and energize your whole body.

Step 6: Breakfast (15 minutes)

We all know that a well-balanced breakfast is one of the day’s most essential meals. For many experts, breakfast is considered a critical meal. After an overnight fast, a healthy breakfast will fill your tummy and give you the energy you need. In Ayurveda, there are three body types: Kalpa, Vatta, and Pitta. People can choose the type of breakfast they eat based on their body type. But that’s a totally different topic, which I will cover in later blog posts. To find out your body and skin dosha: Click here! (I have shared a dosha quiz with you before on Glow & Green.)

So, in a nutshell, you can develop a holistic self-care routine that you can do within one hour and fifteen minutes max. So guys, it's easy!

This is how I break down my self-care routine. I’d be happy to hear about how you take care of yourself on a day-to-day basis